[caption id="attachment_40" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="the essentials: iPhone, Kleenexes inspired by Vicks, cup of sleep-time tea from last night, nalgene bottle of water/pee bottle (just kidding, but a good idea), teabag depositorium, book, etc, and pile of coughdrop wrappers + used/soiled kleenexes"]

yesterday, i went to walmart during my bout of the flu. i have something. i called the student health center & they turned me down? apparenty, i wasn't sick enough for them to motion a visit. i somehow made it to my car in a day-quill induced, menthol cough drop infused state of delirium.
i started to feel a little grumpier considering i was purchasing medicine again for the 2nd day in a row. i forgot cough drops and emergen-c. my mom would also carry emergen-c in her purse growing up and pass it out like candy whenever we sneezed. or a set of wet-ones. i blame my mom for my poor immune system. wanna talk about overkill on washing your hands and remaining clean? let's talk about how i near zero anti-bodies, so when i get sick. I GET SICK. i really get sick about 3-5 times a semester. i somehow manage to catch each & every strain of the flu virus. (no, i don't think i have swine flu, but i did have an urge to watch Babe: Pig in the City)
my sister was bathed & cleaned so much as a child ( you're not supposed to give babies tons of baths, however, my sister was apparently too dirty for baby dirty ) & therefore she now has eczema, which is like permanently dry skin. oh mother.
once i picked up round two of ammunition, i decided if i was going to miserable in my bed that my stomach would at least be happy. so i picked up the typical: indulgent trail mix & chex mix. love it. and luna bars. i don't care if they are marketed towards woman, some of the best tasting food products are marketed towards women. plus, i'll just pull my "gender studies card," and say i don't subscribe to yadda-yadda and that usually works when i do something gender deviant. but seriously, luna bars are great. what essential nutrients & vitamins do women need that would possibly hurt me?
also, as a reward for enduring this bout of an upper respiratory infection/flu/whatever. i decided i needed netflix. like i said, if i'm going to bed ridden. my stomach is going to be happy & my mind is going to be zombified. zombified is a word, a red underline did not appear in my wordpress new post document. so i ordered madmen season 1 & i love you, man. looking forward to these gems.