Wednesday, August 25, 2010

diy: sewn book page tree

there is something about a page of text looks beautiful to me. the formatting, the font, the paragraphs. just the rhythm of words & how they flow embedded on a book page. i like books. i like fonts. i like book pages.

i love them so much that i'll even rip them apart.
and make a tree.

i simply ripped out book pages and tossed them under the sewing machine as i was stitching them together. some thumb tacks later, and you've got a tree. i twisted and contorted some of the book pages to add some depth and dimension.

i took book pages made from trees,  that were bound in a book, and repurposed them into a tree. if that's not postmodern, i don't know what is. or just irony.


  1. this idea is so full of awesome. your room is super cool, and I love the forest green wall.

    also, can we do some co-garage-saleing or -thrifting one of these days? por favor?

  2. for sure!
    we can pick a saturday morning. we need to scout out estate sales, garage sales, & community sales the night before on friday to be prepared. (im totally serious).
    after my saturday morning run though, of course.

  3. Oh, I love this. Awesome idea, and awesome room decor! I absolutely love your desk chair and giant key on the wall.
