Thursday, October 21, 2010

be here now

my friends & i, being the spoiled midwestern white kids that we are, have smart phones. we love technology. we love texting. we love internets. we love all of these fanciful things. however, we get carried away at times with our phones. (i'm sure i'm speaking to a lot of people in my generation, & some). we're constantly tweeting about where we're at, facebooking people we just meet, and generally abusing technology to the finest degree bordering lining on addiction.

what started as a joke to prompt the jerk (or the person who just caught) with their phone out while we were hanging out, we would say "be here! be present!"

windows (wait, whats that? i only know people who own macbooks) released a smart phone that might actually compete with the iphone. i haven't read any reviews on, i'm just saying that because i honestly just don't know what to say about the phone, except i like the commercial.

texting while running? guilty. i've totally texted someone while i've been running before. hell, i even texted my friends who were watching me at mile 15 during my marathon that i, and i quote, "hate my life."

1 comment:

  1. This is great! And for the record, I've totally done the texting while walking and not seeing stairs coming up and falling down the stairs thing. It was outside of Memorial. Pretty traumatic stuff.
