Saturday, May 29, 2010

i know what you want

"Wait, you got a degree in what?"

"Women's & Gender Studies," I reply.

"Well, what are you going to do with that?"

And here is where I craft or reuse something sarcastic, or truthful, or sarcastically truthful.

"Well," I say, "Have you ever seen that one movie with Mel Gibson where he can read women's mind. Yanno, the one where he can read Helen Hunt's mind and stuff."

"Oh yeah, What Women Want! I love that movie."

"Yeah, I can do that."


  1. Victoria would love/hate this. Haha.

  2. please provide such an anecdote regarding my interpersonal communications degree. thanks.

  3. Christine - true

    bethany - deep conversation = love language. duh.

  4. gasp. you just read my mind. freaky.
