Thursday, September 23, 2010

september favorites 2010

i'm not sure if you're going to believe that when i was putting this together, i had to restrict the amount of neutral pieces in this---but i did. i swear, all i wanted to do was throw in grey cardigans, sport coats, shirts and shoes.
i'm going to try & do this each month, because 4 times a year seemed a little slim if i were going for seasons. enjoy. i don't own all of these items, just a couple or something similar that was thrifted.


  1. Hey, fellow midwestern blogger! You've got great taste.

  2. Ah the Thurmanator...Actually, I think witnessing friends eating them prompted me to become a vegetarian. I also went to OSU, but am a recent grad. Did you go to Mizzou?

    Good luck on your marathon dreams, also! I was training for the Columbus half, but had a knee injury recently. Maybe next year...
